Family Holiday Party

Join SMILE Mass to celebrate the holiday season!

Meet Santa in a sensory-friendly environment.

Festivities include:
Ornament decorating * letters to Santa * cookie decorating * dancing

We will be serving lunch and drinks.

Tickets are $10 per child with a family maximum of $25.

Click here to purchase tickets!

Special Thanks To Our Sponsors:
“What a wonderful cause and I would be proud to donate! I had a cousin who was two weeks older than I who died of MS in 2002, and we always were inseparable at the beach at Ocean Park when growing up. When she got so bad and was confined to a wheelchair, her family would bring her to a rental in Kinney Shores but there was no way to get her near the beach or ocean. To think of so many children who are missing out on the beach experience is heartbreaking. We’ll donate online and wish you the best!”
Love, Ellen & Steve